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Bundeschampionate - Jumping



Miraculix (x Mentos)

Dexter Leam Pondi (Connemara) (x Leam Finnigan)

Platus (x Coelenhage's Purioso)



Halifax (x Hasko)

For Kids Only (x For Pleasure)

Machno Carwyn (x Carregcoch Bleddyn)

6 yo

1   Magic Cornflakes                       

2   Del Piero 25

3   Pepsi SG


5 yo

1    High Noon 48

2    For Fun TF

3    Mr Bubble

Sire of Dam 

Nibelungenheld (x Nobel)

The Braes My Mobility (x Steehorst Maestro)

Mentos (x Merafix ox)


Sire of Dam

Chico (x Caid)

Principal Boy (x Tetworth Crimson Lake)

Boomer (x Boomerang)

xx - Thoroughbred

ox - Arabian



Nabucco R (x Notre Beau)

Pantani (x FS Pavarotti)

Lux-Dressage Hennes (x Henry)



Miraculix (x Mentos)

Dexter Leam Pondi (Connemara) (x Leam Finnigan)

Nabucco R (x Notre Beau)

6 yo

1   Nuno 6                       

2   Melina 73

3   Cascarda WE


5 yo

1    Magic Cornflakes

2    Del Piero 25

3    Niklas K WE

Sire of Dam 

Van Gogh R (x Vivaldi)

The Braes My Mobility (x Steehorst Maestro)

Balthasar (x Hewid Cardi)


Sire of Dam

Nibelungenheld (x Nobel)

The Braes My Mobility (x Steehorst Maestro)

Power Man (x Power Boy)



Just Do It (WB) (x Jasper)

Notre Beau (x Nantano)

FS Pour L'Amour (x FS Picasso)



Nabucco R (x Notre Beau)

Cyriac WE (x Constantin)

Halifax (Welsh B) (x Hasko)

6 yo

1   Just Forever WE                       

2   Nightlady 4

3   Pott's Pelle WE


5 yo

1    Nuno 6

2    Casanova WE

3    Headliner

Sire of Dam 

Feuerdorn (Welsh) (x Tanlan Julius Caesar)

Nobel (x Nadler I)

Vivaldi (x Valiant Starlight)


Sire of Dam

Van Gogh R (x Vivaldi)

Viktoria's Colano (x Colza)

Losander (x Lombard)

Magic Cornflakes  - 5 yo Bundeschampion 2013

6 yo Bundeschampion 2014



Principal Boy (x Tetworth Crimson Lake)

Charivari (x Courage)

Pilatus (x Coelenhage's Purioso)



Charivari (x Courage)

Matchello K (x Mentos) 

Top Anthony I (x Top Non Stop II)

6 yo

1   Pico 212                       

2   Charming Girl WE

3   Paul SG


5 yo

1    Crack -P WE

2    Mentano K

3    Twyx

Sire of Dam 

Night-Star I (x Nalet ox)

Argentinus (x Argentan I)

Mentos (x Merafic ox)


Sire of Dam

Gracieux (x Grannus)

Losander (x Lombard)

Gamblers Star (x Gambler's Cup xx)

Mentano K - 6 yo Vice Bundeschampion 2011

Mentano K - 6 yo Vice Bundeschampion 2011


Nuno 6


6 yo

1   Cha Cha 10 

2   Prestige 141

3   Call Me SP WE


5 yo

1    Top My Girl

2    Scooby-Doo 7

3    Marisca


Campino (x Churchill)

Paul SG (x Pilatus)

Calido-G (x Cedrik)



Top Montreal (x Marsvogel xx)

Zandheuvel's Sunny Boy (x Boomer)

Miraculix (x Mentos)

Sire of Dam 

Losander (x Lombard)

Potter (x Power and Paint)

Stakkato (x Spartan)


Sire of Dam

Cornet Obolensky (x Clinton)

FS Chiwago (x FS Cocky Dundee)

FS Pavarotti (x Power Boy)

 Bundeschampionate Showjumping Pony Results 

Nantano - DOB 1975

Registered Westfalen, Nantano has 48 licensed sons, 12 registered broodmare daughters, 2 achieving State Premium status as of 2015.


He is by the GRP stallion Nante I who is by the pure arabian Nalet.  Nantano is out a mare by the part bred arabian stallion Kristallo.


As a 4 yo he was the Gold Medal winner of the first Bundeschampionate held in 1979.


6 yo

1   High Noon 48        

2   Mr Bubble

3   Holiday R


5 yo

1    Cha Cha 10

2    Maradonna 31

3    Mac Cain H


Halifax (x Hasko)

Machno Carwyn (x Carregcoch Bleddyn)

Rocketti (x Rotspon)



Campino (x Churchill)

Melvin (x Mangold)

Machno Carwyn (x Carregcoch Bleddyn)

Sire of Dam 

Chico (x Caid)

Boomer (x Boomerang)

Hondsrug Don Gregory (x Rakt's Rocky)


Sire of Dam

Losander (x Lombard)

Windsor N (x Waldemar)

Brilliant (x Piran John Halifax)

Magic Cornflakes

 Bundeschampionate Show Jumping Pony Videos

Format for Young Ponies at the Bundeschampionate - Jumping


  • All ponies must be bred Deutches Rietpony.  No other pony breeds are eligible.

  • Separate classes are held for 5 yo and 6 yo jumping ponies.

  • Pony must achieve two qualifications at least 7.5

  • All ponies compete in an Opening competition for their age group and then move onto a final qualifier with the highest scoring ponies going to the final.

  • The 5 yo ponies compete at class A** Level (max height 1.05 metres with the 6 yo pony competitions held at Class L level (max height 1.15 metres).

Qualification course for Bundeschampionate

click on images to enlarge


6 yo

1   Chicke Deern 

2   Jango 30

3   Quattro P

3   Sunshine's Nala


5 yo

1    Mescal 15

2    Regenbogen TF

3    Gala Nova


Top Christobell (x Top Champy)

Discovery AA (x Veritas (Quidam d'Or AA))

Quaterback's Junior (x Quaterback)

Nutrix I (x Nemax)  



Machno Carwyn (x Carregcoch Bleddyn)

Rex the Robber (x Katje's Ronaldo)

Golden State (x FS Golden Moonlight)

Sire of Dam 

Nantano (x Nante I)

Medoc (x Mentos)

Nightlight (x Twyford Nightcap)

Validos Highlight (x Valido)


Sire of Dam

Mangold (x Malteser Gold)

Principal Boy (x Tetworth Crimson Lake)

Top Champy (x FS Champion de Luxe)


6 yo

1   Miss Mc Fly D 

2   Magic's Boy ST

3   Pinocchio S.W.


5 yo

1    Hankifax H

2    Matcho 109

3    Top Cinderella


Mc Fly High D (x Mr. Hale Bob)

Magic Cornflakes (x Miraculix)

Principal Boy (x Tetworth Crimson Lake)



Halifax (x Hasko)

Machno Carwyn (x Carregcoch Bleddyn)

Top Christobell (x Top Champy)

Sire of Dam 

Leuns Veld's Lord (x Vito Nova's Celesto)

Nagano (x Navoy)

Bolero (x Bowler Hat)


Sire of Dam

Lordanos (x Landos)

Hondsrug Don Gregory (x Rakt's Rocky)

Cornet Obolensky (x Clinton)


6 yo

1   Top Medusa 

2   Penelope SG

3   Dolly K 2


5 yo

1    Da Capo 226

2    Peter Pan 185

3    Marie Lou 6


Top Montreal (x Marsvogel xx)

Pilatus (x Coelenhage's Purioso)

Dream of Lord (x Der feine Lord AT)



Duncan (x Three-Stars Dumbledore)

Pilatus (x Coelenhage's Purioso)

Miraculix (x Mentos)

Sire of Dam 

Cornet Obolensky (x Clinton)

Piccolo (x FS Pour l'Amour)

Sky High (x Cateshill Renegade)


Sire of Dam

Coosheen Finnegan (x Coosheen Finn)

Mentos (x Merafix ox) 

Martini (x Mentos)


6 yo

1   Mescal 15

2   HS Black Ice

3   Ready for Cornflakes


5 yo

1    Little Star 28

2    Paulanus SG

3    TabalugaSP


Machno Carwyn (x Carregcoch Bleddyn)

Burlington S (x Brilliant)

Rex the Robber (x Kantje's Ronaldo)



A New Star (x A Gorgeous)

Paul SG (x Pilatus)

The Braes My Mobility (x Steehorst Maestro)

Sire of Dam 

Mangold (x Malteser Gold)

Navajo (x Nawarro)

Nibelungenheld (x Nobel)


Sire of Dam

FS Champion de Luxe (x FS Cocky Dundee)

Mentos (x Merafix ox)

Stakkato (x Spartan)


6 yo

1   Little Milton 12

2   Megan 18

3   Tabaluga SP


5 yo

1    Vin-Lee

2   Emilia 59

3   Motsi Mause 2


Del Piero (x Dexter Leam Pondi)

The Braes My Mobility (x Steehorst Maestro)

The Braes My Mobility (x Steehorst Maestro)



Vedet van de Vondelhoeve (x Vivaldi)

Del Piero (x Dexter Leam Pondi)

Magic Cornflakes (x Miraculix)

Sire of Dam 

Hondsrug Dong Gregory (x Rak'ts Rocky)

Corrado (x Cor de la Bryere)

Stakkato (x Spartan)


Sire of Dam

Valido's Bo (x Valido)

Favoritas xx (x Reitar xx)

Grannus (x Graphit)


6 yo

1   Speedy 469

2   Makadamia

3   Ready to Fly 2


5 yo

1    Robby Lee LOH

2   Cookie 129

3   Del Toro K


Del Piero (x Dexter Leam Pondi)

Machno Carwyn (x Carregcoch Bleddyn)

Rex the Robber (x Kantje's Ronaldo)



Rob Roy van het Klavertje x Paul SG)

Cosmopolitan D (x FS Champion de Luxe)

Del Piero (x Dexter Leam Pondi)

Sire of Dam 

Calido I (x Cantus)

Windsor N (x Waldemar)

Stakkato (x Spartan)


Sire of Dam

Los Angeles (x Light On)

Seven Mountain Natan (x Catherston Night Safe)

Aljano (x Alasca)

Bundeschampionate - Eventing


6 yo

1   Del Toro K

2   Robby Lee LOH

3   Quirinis 28


5 yo

1   Top Melody 3

2   For You 67

3   Renate 39


Del Piero (x Dexter Leam Pondi)

Rob Roy van het Klavertje (x Paul SG)

Quaterback's Junior (x Quaterback)



Maverick (x Mentos)

For Christmas (x For Next Generation)

Rock'n Roll (x Rex The Robber)

Sire of Dam 

Aljano (x Alaska)

Los Angeles (x Light On)

Woodrow Carisbrooke (x Peveril Peter Piper)


Sire of Dam

Great Christobell (x Top Champy)

Co-Pitou (x Co-Pilot)

Nibelung Hero (x Nobel)


6 yo

1   Mister Poppins SG

2   Renate 39

3   Darling of Gold


5 yo

1   Zeralina

2   Daisy 1025

3   Chocolate de Luxe


Monopoly SG (x Miraculix)

Rock'n Roll (x Rex The Robber)

Darlington (x Domingo)



Nilatshoeve's Zippo (x Cadlanvalley Goldstar) 

Dance Star AT (x Dressman I)

Champ de Luxe (x FS Champion de Luxe)

Sire of Dam 

Mentox (x Merafic ox)

Nibelungenheld (x Nobel)

Amarillys Sensation (x Downland Folklore)


Sire of Dam

Napels (x Visa Carthago Z)

Sambesi (x Sion)

Okay Big Bambu (x Obsession Balu)

 Bundeschampionate Eventing Pony Results 

xx - Thoroughbred

ox - Arabian



Top Champion (x Cappucino Royale G)

FS Mr Right (x FS Mr Mobility)

Bon Jovi 44 (x Boomer)

5-6 yo 

1    Coralina D

2   Massimo 67

3   Black Pearl 142

Sire of Dam 

Nemax (x Niveau II)

Bumerang (x Bon Jovi 44)

Thriantas Norbet (x Downland Folklore)



Coelenhage's Purple Rain (x Heitracks Marvin)

Voodoo CR (x Voyager)

Cosmopolitan D NRW (x FS Champion de Luxe)

5-6 yo 

1    Sir Paco

2    Valery C.R.

3   Casanova de Luxe 3

Sire of Dam 

Coelenhage's Promise (x Coelenhage's Lets Be The Best)

Golden Dandy (x FS Golden Moonlight)

Calvin Klein (x FS Champion de Luxe)



Del Piero (x Dexter Leam Pondi)

Coelenhage's Amor (x Fleuramo's Justin)

Quatman (x Quintero)

5-6 yo 

1    Cookie dough 8

2    Ace of Spades 5

3    Quatman's Boy B

Sire of Dam 

Diarado (x Diamant de Semilly)

Arts-Dancer-Boy (x Dancer)

Caliostro (x Colorado)

Format for Young Ponies at the Bundeschampionate - Eventing


  • All ponies must be bred Deutches Rietpony.  No other pony breeds are eligible.

  • 5 and 6 yo's compete together in the one class.

  • Pony must achieve two qualification scores of at least 7.0

  • Ponies compete at Class A level (max height 1.05 m) with performances judged for dressage, jumping and cross country. 



N.N. (x Batida de Coco)

Golden West NRW (x Hesselteich's Golden Dream)

Bon Jovi (x Boomer)

5-6 yo 

1    I Candy Splash EA WE

2    Golden Girl's Nelly

3    Best Performance

Sire of Dam 

FS Chambertin (x FS Champion de Luxe)

Nabucco R (x Notre Beau)

Marco Polo (x Marquis) 



Nutrix 1 (x Nemax)

Fehkamps Nightley (x Noir de Luxe)

Calido-G (x Cedrik)

5-6 yo 

1    Namib W WE

2    Nightfire 28

3    Penny Lane WE

Sire of Dam 

Kennedy WE (x Kaiserjaeger xx)

Aragon N (x Aron N)

Prince Thatch xx (x Thatch xx)



Nutrix 1 (x Nemax)

Mentano K (x Matchello K)

Greylight (x Moorkieker Gawain)

5-6 yo 

1    Namib W WE

2    SF Magic Mike

3    Sietlands Catrina

Sire of Dam 

Kennedy WE (x Kaiserjaeger xx)

Cap Cennedy N (x Campari)

Comte (x Contendro I)



Makuna Matata (x Machno Carwyn)

Blanchet (Caton TG) (x Orchard Boginov)

Vivaldi (x Valiant Starlight)

5-6 yo 

1    Maruto

2    Be my Bodyguard

3    Vive being B

Sire of Dam 

Maccardo (x Magnum)

Anjershof Rocky (x Silvertop's Ricco) 

Top Pepino (x Panasche)



Nemax (x Niveau)

Hot Cream (x Halifax)

Veivel R (x Van Gogh R)

5-6 yo 

1    Springdelight

2    Mica 5

3    Veivels Little Queen

Sire of Dam 

Bernstein (x Boryko)

Da Capo (x Durello)

Diplomat (x Domingo)



Nibelungenheld (x Nobel)

Voyager (x Vivaldi)


5-6 yo 

1    Nibelungenstern B

2    Volcano CR

3    --

Sire of Dam 

Amigo Valeur (x Ijsselvliedt's Victory)

FS Champion de Luxe (x FS Cocky Dundee)




Denver MV (x Desperado K)

FS Cracker Jack (x FS Champion de Luxe)

Mr Hale Bob (x Magnum)

5-6 yo 

1    SF Detroit

2    Camillo WE

3    Mama's Liebling

Sire of Dam 

Cap Cennedy N (x Campari)

Brilliant (x Piran John Halifax)

Bolero (x Bowler Hat)



Nagano (x Navoy)

Principal Boy (x Tetworth Crimson Lake)

FS Cracker Jack by FS Champion de Luxe)

5-6 yo 

1    Nordkap 3

2    Prinz S.W.

3    Camillo WE

Sire of Dam 

Wortley Magic (Welsh B) (x Ernford Benjamin

Bolero (x Bowler Hat)

Brilliant (x Piran John Halifax)



Immenmoor Nova-Space (x Heidbergs Nancho Nova)

Principal Boy (x Tetworth Crimson Lake)

Kaiserstolz (x Kaiserjaeger xx)

5-6 yo 

1    Nadeem 2

2    Pascal S.W.

3    Golden Empress

Sire of Dam 

Apslau xx (x Kaiseradler xx)

Bolero (x Bowler Hat)

Black Horse (Welsh B) (x Brakenhoeves Emiel)



Der Feine Lord AT (x Dressman I)

Principal Boy (x Tetworth Crimson Lake)

Der Harlekin B (x Golden Dancer)

5-6 yo 

1    Dutchman's Lord

2    Pascal S.W.

3    Dorian Gray 50

Sire of Dam 

King Bjuti (x Kaiserjaeger xx)

Bolero (x Bowler Hat)

Asplau xx (x Kaiseradler xx)



Mac Namara (x Seven Mountain Natan)

Welcome Sympatico (x Sandro)

Topnatrejo (x Nantano)

5-6 yo 

1    Moonlight Kiss

2    Sunny Side Up 8

3    Top Nubia

Sire of Dam 

Oakley Bubbling On (x Wingrove Minkino)

Donauwind (x Downland)

Durello (x Duktus)

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